Jack, Bhass, Xander, Tasen, Reed and Wrathale run down the halls of the cave until they reach the entrance. They rest here for about fifteen minutes, eating and relaxing. The Elvin girl hasn’t woken up but seems to still be alive. The fifteen minutes pass and everybody picks up their things and runs down the chasm.
They reach the bear carcass that was still chained to the floor of the chasm. Here they pick up their speed and head for the outer gate. The party passes the outer gate a little ways away from the decimated caravan. They make it passed the caravan and a little ways up a small hill when Wrathale falls to the ground unconscious with his arms convulsing. Everyone stops and looks at Wrathale. Bhass runs up and applies herbs and medicines to him to keep him from dieing.
After the herbs are applied, Jack picks up Wrathale and carries him on his shoulder. The group keeps walking hoping for the best for Wrathale. It starts to get darker as the day goes on. Tasen is then hit in the back of the head with what feels like a small rock. He turns and looks into the leaves of a tree and sees something flapping its wings with blue eyes. He gets a small glimpse of what it looks like before it flies straight up in to the tree where he can’t see.
He smiles, as he knows what the mysterious creature is. He turns back to the group without saying a word. After thirty more minutes of traveling they set up camp for the night.
The next three days are uneventful. On the fourth day, just a little ways away from town, Wrathale awakes but in pain still being carried over jacks shoulder. He says, “Where are we?”
“Close to town, it’s just over the next hill” Xander replies.
By the time they reach the top of the hill, the party hears a clapping of hooves rushing towards them. They turn to see a donkey rush at them in fear. Wrathale in pain, but still conscious tries to calm it down by talking to it. The donkey slams to a halt right in front of him and looks at him.
Wrathale reaches out to pet it and the donkey doesn’t react. Wrathale says, “Jack… put me on the donkey he shouldn’t mind.”
Jack then says “alright.” He lays Wrathale on the donkey on his stomach.
A minute later, a pack of carnivorous flying squirrels attacks the party. Before the party can react, five squirrels hit Tasen simultaneously knocking him out. One lands by Wrathale and gets ready to attack.
Three attack Jack and Xander while two attack Reed and Bhass. Wrathale who can barely move forces his hand up towards the squirrel and the squirrel looks at him awkwardly but doesn’t attack. Jack puts the Elvin girl on the ground and attacks one of the squirrels. Xander follows suit with his spear and they both miss.
Reed stands in front of Bhass and swings. He misses and the squirrels attack back. They all hit except for one, which is still staring at Wrathale.
Xander then yells, “Run for it!” and picks up Tasen and runs for it.
Jack picks up the Elf and runs for safety. Wrathale tells the donkey to run towards the town. Bhass and Reed follow everyone else and all the squirrels stop to point and laugh at the party. One of squirrels walks up to the one that was looking strangely at Wrathale and appears to be asking what’s wrong.
Everyone reaches the city walls where they stop for a break. Bhass then heals Tasen. Shortly after, he wakes with a large headache. Xander then whispers “We never speak of this.”
Everyone else replies, “Agreed”
score: 1-0 in favor of the squirrles
hahaha you guys got beat by squirrles
Pwned by the Squirrels!
I saw a squirrel, it was doin like this! *Points and laughs at cole*
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