Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 1 The Trampled Pony

Brandon awoke from his sleep at the Temple with a Vision, a Vision of an Elven Princess in Trouble Like as if it was a Distress Call. He quickly got out of bed and told his Elder Priests and left to find a Party for this Mission. In the City of Crek Brandon Decided to Head down to the Bar to find some worthy companions.

Reed and Tasen have just arrived from Rodan they escaped because; the Cities of Rodan hated them especially for their Trickery and Thievery. As they got off the boat They Took off their Disguises hoping none of the Towns Folk knew who they were. Then they headed into the Nearest bar Named The Trampled Pony, Tasen and reed Sit down at the Farthest Table from the door.

Xander starts to walk into town; he sees the Towns folk doing things normally but he occasionally gets a glaring glance from them. He then walks right into the bar.

Brandon sits at the bar and orders a drink he gets a Yellowish Beer from the Bar keep, Brandon Takes a Sip and drinks it a little more. Brandon turns around looking at the rest of the Bar and Notices one Tall Figure at the Back of the room. Brandon Gets up and moves towards the Tall Figure to talk to him.

All of a sudden he hears a Voice come from no where saying, “Hey what do you want?”

Brandon says back “I wish your services Elf.” Reed says in Response “but I was not the one who spoke first.”

Brandon Puts a Puzzled Look on his Face, “But you are the only one I see at this table. How could some one else be here.” says Brandon.

Then a Short Figure Jumps on the Table and says,
“Do you see me Now?”

Brandon jumps Back in Surprise, he says, “I’m sorry but I didn’t see you there.”

“Yeah yeah yeah that’s what they all say.” Tasen Says back

“Any way what do you want with me and my Friend.” Says Tasen.

“Well I need help but all I know is that I had a Vision before this morning and it had to do with an Elven Princess in Trouble. Would you like to come along?” Brandon Says.

“Sure But you have to pay us two gold every day it takes. And I don’t me one gold each I mean two gold each. Tasen replies”

Brandon says “Deal.”

Tasen says “This is my Best Friend Reed Willow root and my name is Tasen Wanderfoot and you’re?”

Brandon Replies “My name is Brandon Armbane, nice to meet you.”

“Well what else do we need to do? Do we head out know or what reed says.”

Brandon says “no we need a Few more People to join the Party before we leave. So keep in touch.”

“Will do” Tasen Replies.

Wrathale and just gotten done Hunting out in the Woods and hopes to make a little bit of money by selling the Deer he killed. He walks into the Trampled Pony and walks up to the Counter and holds the Deer up for the Bartender can see.

The Bartender Whistles back and a Stout Dwarf come out from the Kitchen and Pick up the Deer and Carries it into the Back. Wrathale receives two gold and 35 silver. Just then some Guy at the Bar Punches Wrathale in the face Wrathale Turns Towards the guy and Swings he misses and he hits the guy behind him.

The Drunk man that just got hit Gets up and Punches the Guy that hit Wrathale in the back of the head and knocks him out, after Words they Drunk man just goes back to Drinking his beer. And as quick as a Silver Dart Tasen Looted the Knocked out Drunk man.

After that Display Brandon Walks up to Wrathale and tells him the Story. And Wrathale Accepts.

Xander Sits at the Bar and Orders a Drink.

Brandon Comes up to him and says would you like to help out a Small Party we are going to Rescue a Princess but Before Brandon Could Finnish Xander said “Sure.”

Then two Hooded Figures Walk in the Bar and Sit All the way at the Back of the Bar Past Reed and Tasen. Before they reached the Back Xander Says in Draconian, “Hey.” The two hooded figures stop, then keep going towards the Back of the Bar. A little bit after the two Hooded Figures sit down a Small two bladed dagger Whizzes past Xander’s head and hits the Bartender in the Forehead killing him in one Swift Blow. The Bartender falls to the Ground dead but no one Cares they would just refill their own Drinks. Brandon Walks up to the Counter and Flips a Copper Piece onto the Bartenders Corpse and Refills his own Drink.

Reed then searches the Bartenders Corpse for money but only go one copper. The two Hooded Figures get up and Leave the Bar but no one seems to Notice.

With in a few Seconds the Bar Starts of Fire by the Door. And Xander Yells “Every One Out!” Brandon Tries to Pick up Tasen in the Stampede but Tasen Punches Brandon in the Ribs. Tasen then Drags Brandon out of the Burning inn. Every one makes it out off the inn, all of the People that where Drunk in the Bar just watched the inn Burn down.
Xander Notices the two Hooded Figures in an ally next to the Building. Xander Takes out a Javelin and threw it at one of the Hooded Figures but he over Shot.
Reed and Tasen join Battle in the ally and run in and attack the closest one Reed and Tasen Hit him and he falls over dead Wrathale Jumps out from the Side and Attacks the one still alive he misses. Xander runs in and Punches hit in the Face and the Hooded Figure Falls but before he was done he Threw a Dagger at Brandon armBane it hits him Strait in the head killing him instantly and Brandon dies. After Words they divvy up loot Between the Group and Xander got a nice orange Jewl. They also discovered that they were Draconian’s Then they Where just about to Get horses to Ride to the next city when they saw a Wagon Leaving the City and they Asked if they could ride on it and the Farmer didn’t mind. So then they rode to the Next city. Looking for a New Priest.